【Objective】 The genetic diversity among Kobresia species was studied at the molecular level to provide basis for comprehensive evaluation of Kobresia humilis resources in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. 【Method】 AFLP amplification was performed on 11 Kobresia genomic DNA using 4 pairs of E + 3 / M + 3 primers. 【Result】 A total of 164 clear bands and 154 polymorphic bands were obtained. The percentage of polymorphic loci was 93.96%. The average Nei’s gene diversity index was 0.2430 and the Shannon’s diversity index was 0.4012 Kobresia germplasm is rich in genetic diversity. By UPGMA cluster analysis, 11 Kobresia populations were divided into five categories. 【Conclusion】 There are abundant genetic diversity in 11 natural populations of Kobresia pygmaea. There is no correlation between the genetic similarity coefficient of Kobresia pygmaea population and altitude. The heterogeneity of the habitats of Kobresia pygmaea population affects genetic differentiation.