杭州山沟沟风景名胜区地处浙江省杭州市西北四十公里的余杭区鸬鸟镇,从地图上看,山沟沟就像是一块翡翠镶嵌在“人间天堂”杭州的边缘。山沟沟风景区拥有杭城第一峰———海拔1 095米的窑头山和次高峰海拔1 025米的红桃山,是太湖水系的重要源头之一。风景区内资源丰富,生态环境优良,动植物种类丰富,有国家珍稀植物千年红豆杉群,有国家一级保护动物黑麂、云豹等。四周峰峦叠嶂,群山苍翠,植被覆盖率95%,形成了与周边环境不同的独特的“康乐型”气候环境。俗话说“上有天堂下有苏
Hangzhou Shan Gou Gou Scenic Area is located 40 kilometers northwest of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province Yuhang District cormorant town, from the map point of view, Shan Gougou is like a piece of jade inlaid ”paradise on the“ Hangzhou edge. Shan Gougou Scenic Area has the first peak in Hangzhou --- Yaotou Mountain at 1 095 meters above sea level and Hongtaom Mountain at 1 025 meters below sea level, which is one of the important sources of Taihu Lake water system. The scenic area is rich in resources, excellent ecological environment, rich species of flora and fauna, the national rare plants Millennium Taxus, a national animal black muntjac, clouded leopard and so on. Surrounded by mountainous peaks, the mountains green, vegetation coverage 95%, forming a different and surrounding environment unique ”recreational “ climate environment. As the saying goes ”there is paradise under the Soviet Union