目的 :探讨 CT对小肠机械梗阻的诊断价值。方法 :对 2 1例手术和临床证实的小肠机械性肠梗阻病人的 CT表现进行了分析。全部病人为腹平片和临床检查确诊为小肠机械梗阻病人。男 14例 ,女 7例 ,平均年龄 44 .8岁。结果 :完全性小肠梗阻 13例 ,绞窄性小肠梗阻 5例 ,不完全性小肠梗阻 3例。 1/ 3病例术前 CT显示梗阻病因 ,包括腹腔肿块 ,炎性狭窄。 5例中 4例 (80 % ) CT征象提示肠绞窄存在 ,早于腹平片。肠壁郁血增厚大于 3 mm,肠腔大量积液 ,气液平面中液多于气 ,腹腔广泛性液体渗出伴肠系膜水肿则提示绞窄性肠梗阻。结论 :在明确梗阻病因上 CT较腹平片有明显优势。显示典型绞窄性梗阻征象的敏感性与特异性较腹平片高 ,但无典型征象并不能排除绞窄性肠梗阻存在
Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value of CT on intestinal obstruction. Methods: The CT findings of 21 patients with surgically and clinically confirmed small bowel obstruction were analyzed. All patients were diagnosed as abdominal plain and clinical examination of intestinal obstruction patients. There were 14 males and 7 females, with an average age of 44.8 years. Results: Complete intestinal obstruction in 13 cases, strangulated intestinal obstruction in 5 cases, incomplete intestinal obstruction in 3 cases. One third of patients had preoperative CT findings of the cause of the obstruction, including abdominal masses and inflammatory stenosis. Four of the five cases (80%) showed CT signs of intestinal strangulation earlier than the abdominal plain film. Intestinal wall thickening of the blood flow greater than 3 mm, a large number of intestinal effusion, fluid in the liquid more than gas, peritoneal extensive liquid exudation with mesenteric encephalic tip prompted strangulated ileus. Conclusion: Obvious obstruction of the cause of CT compared with plain film has obvious advantages. Sensitivity and specificity of signs of typical strangulation obstruction are higher than those of abdominal plain radiographs but no typical signs do not rule out the presence of strangulated intestinal obstruction