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在当今全球价值链深入发展的背景下,一国生产的出口产品大量使用国外中间投入品,出口产品中内含技术不一定都来自本国,科学衡量出口技术含量水平和结构需要基于生产工序的数据。本文构建了基于生产工序的技术含量新测度方法,并利用1995—2011年全球投入产出表数据测算了中国及其他主要国家的出口技术含量水平及结构,研究发现:(1)自1995年以来,中国出口确实出现了一定的自身技术水平升级和优化。中国整体和各行业的全部技术含量、国内技术含量和国内技术含量指数都呈现增长态势,表现出向发达国家平均水平的弱收敛趋势;(2)从各行业技术含量相对排名位次来看,中国出口的技术含量几乎锁定在世界最低端,远低于美日等发达国家,根本无法对美日等发达国家构成技术威胁。 In today’s context of the deepening development of global value chains, a large number of export products produced by a country use a large amount of foreign intermediate inputs, and the included technologies in export products are not necessarily all from their own countries. Scientifically measuring the level and structure of export technologies requires data based on production processes . This paper constructs a new measurement method of technology content based on the production process, and calculates the level and structure of export technology in China and other major countries by using the global input-output data from 1995 to 2011. The findings are as follows: (1) Since 1995 , China’s exports do appear to have escalated and optimized their own technological level. The overall technical content, domestic technical content and domestic technical content index of China as a whole and all industries showed a growth trend, showing a weak convergence trend towards the average level of developed countries. (2) According to the rankings of relative technical contents of various industries, China The technical content of exports is almost locked in the lowest end of the world, well below the developed countries such as the United States and Japan and can hardly pose a technological threat to the developed countries such as the United States and Japan.
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