1995年3月8日,北京海淀区一家餐厅里的爆炸声震惊四海,17岁少女贾国宇的花容和心灵惨烈破碎。 大惊失色的商家、厂家纷纷推御责任,纠纷自然演变成了官司。案情赫然呈现在时任海淀区人民法院审判员的陈继平面前。于是,1997年3月15日那天,再次石破天惊的是:贾国宇获赔精神损失费10万元。这个突破性的判例被誉为“中国司法史上的一个里程碑。” 1998年,少女贾国宇重振河山,一举考取了一所不错的大学。而法官陈继平继续石破天惊地判他的案子,诸如足球裁判陆俊的名誉权案。 我们组织这篇稿件,一是为了寻找确认精神损害赔偿价值的源头,二是为了追求一种真正的司法精神——法官陈继平说:“法律关注的是该不该赔,该赔多少,而不是你能赔多少。”
On March 8, 1995, the explosions in a restaurant in Haidian District in Beijing stunned the world. The flower of 17-year-old girl Jia Guoyu and her heart were severely shattered. Shocked businessmen, manufacturers have to push the responsibility, the dispute naturally evolved into a lawsuit. The case was revealed in front of Chen Jiping, then judge of Haidian District People’s Court. As a result, on March 15, 1997, it was astonishing again that Jia Guoyu was awarded a mental loss of 100,000 yuan. This groundbreaking case was hailed as “a milestone in the history of Chinese justice.” In 1998, Jia Guoyu, a teenager, regained control of the country and won a good university in one fell swoop. Judge Chen Jiping continued to sentence him to the startling case, such as the referee Lu Jun’s fame. We organized this manuscript first to find the source of the value of the compensation for moral damage and to pursue a genuine judicial spirit - Judge Chen Jiping said: “The legal concern is how much should be compensated and not how much How much you can lose. ”