1974年,世界上最大的5000m~3的9号高炉在克里沃钢铁厂建成投产。设计的技术经济指标如下:日产量11,200吨,热风湿度1400℃,富氧鼓风35%,每吨铁的天然气耗量为150m~3,炉顶压力2.5大气压,利用系数0.15m~3昼夜/吨,焦比357公斤。 苏联黑色冶金和仪表研究院在这座高炉上研制并采用了冶炼过程工艺参数自动检测的新手段和系统。 在热风炉上()安装了-713型1500℃热风温度检测装置(如图所示),这套装置保证热风温度检测误差不超过±1%。装置保护套的结构可保证在不减低送风管道压力的情况下便于更换热电偶。热电隅的型号是TIIP-0573型IIP30/6铂铑偶,硅石墨保护套(HIIO《热电偶》研究所研制)。
In 1974, the world’s largest blast furnace No.5 of 5000m ~ 3 was put into operation at Klivu Steel Plant. The technical and economic indexes of the design are as follows: the daily output is 11,200 tons, the hot air humidity is 1400 ℃, the oxygen enriched blast is 35%, the natural gas consumption per ton of iron is 150m ~ 3, the pressure on the top of the furnace is 2.5 atmospheres, the utilization coefficient is 0.15m ~ 3 day / Ton, coke 357 kg. The Soviet Union Black Metallurgy and Instrument Research Institute in the blast furnace developed and adopted the smelting process parameters of automatic detection of new tools and systems. In the hot stove () installed -713 1500 ℃ hot air temperature detection device (shown), this device to ensure that hot air temperature detection error does not exceed ± 1%. The structure of the device protective cover ensures that the thermocouple can be easily replaced without reducing the pressure in the supply air duct. Thermoelectric corner of the model is TIIP-0573-type IIP30 / 6 platinum and rhodium even, silicon graphite protective cover (HIIO “thermocouple” Institute developed).