
来源 :湖南教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:walkeronmoon
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春插后,我县扫盲和业余教育工作全面贯彻省、地委扫盲电话会议精神,紧密结合生产,有了新的发展。到5月下旬止全县农村以食堂开办扫盲班1694个,参加学习的青壮年文盲半文盲26086人,业余高小班548个,11349个脱盲生继续参加政治、技术、文化学习,共占全县农村青壮年总数的73.2%。厂矿职工以工区车间办学,开办业余红专学校,职工总人数的57%已入学。我县掀起群众性的扫盲业余教育热潮,并坚持巩固下来,主要作法是:1.争取党委部门的领导和重视。省地委扫盲电话会议后,及时请示县委,认真研究,通过重点摸底调查,作出全面规划。提出了农村青年、厂矿职工中的文盲半文盲,一年基本扫除,一年扫尾;农村壮年文盲半文盲,两年基本扫除,两年扫尾。接着县委召开电话会进行贯彻,此后又召开了县和公社的教育工作会议,作了全面贯彻,从上至下抓住从总结一年来工作,肯定成绩,正视问题入手,针对思想,运用大鸣大放大字报 After the spring break, our county’s literacy and amateur education work fully implemented the spirit of provincial and prefectural literacy eliminator conference calls, combined closely with production, and achieved new development. By the end of May, 1694 literacy classes were conducted in the rural canteens of the whole county, 26086 illiterate and semi-literate people participated in the study, 548 amateur high school classes, 11349 blind students continued to participate in political, technical, and cultural studies, which together accounted for the entire county’s rural areas. 73.2% of the total number of young adults. The employees of the factory, mine and the school run the workshops in the work area and set up amateur colleges. 57% of the total number of employees has been enrolled. My county set off a mass literacy amateur education upsurge, and insisted on consolidation, the main approach is: 1. For the leadership of party committees and attention. After the Provincial Party Committee’s literacy conference call, they promptly asked the county party committee to seriously study and make a comprehensive plan through focused investigations. The illiterate and semi-literate people in the rural youth, factories, mines, and workers were proposed. They were basically wiped out one year, and were wiped out one year. The illiterate people in rural areas were illiterate and semi-literate. They were basically wiped out in two years, and were wiped out in two years. Then the county party committee held a telephone conference to carry out the implementation, and then held an education meeting of the county and the communes, and made a comprehensive implementation, from top to bottom seize the work from the summary for a year, affirmed the results, face up to problems, use the Mingyin for ideas. Large-scale letters