(一)关于《爱德华三世》(1340-1346-1356年) 《爱德华三世》(下称《爱》剧),很可能是莎作。它未被收入1623年的莎剧第一对开本,但有过两个四开本(1596,1599年),其标题后面说到“曾多次在伦敦城演出过”。可能是由于剧中对苏格兰王的讽刺,它遭到禁演,随后也被遗忘了。1760年,E·卡培尔(Capell)首次严肃地提出:“它曾被认为是莎士比亚所写的”。以后,在19、20世纪里陆续有过再版以及论证莎士比亚著作权的文章。较早的看法是,同意描写爱情纠纷的头两幕剧和第四幕四场是出
(A) About Edward III (1340-1346-1356) Edward III (“Love”) is probably Shakespeare. It was not included in the first two-part split of Shakespeare in 1623, but there were two quarters (1596, 1599), the title of which says “Many times in London.” Probably due to the satire on the Scottish King in the play, it was banned and subsequently forgotten. For the first time in 1760, Capell put forth: “It was once thought to be written by Shakespeare.” Later, in the 19th and 20th centuries, there have been reprinted articles and argumentation of Shakespeare’s copyright. The earlier view was that the first two plays and the fourth inaugural drama that agreed to describe the love dispute came out