韩国晓星独家开发出了高分子化学材料聚酮,将成为世界上首个将其商业化的企业。聚酮是利用一氧化碳、乙二胺、丙烯等制成的环保型高分子材料,可用于汽车、电子、产业材料零配件。与尼龙相比,聚酮的抗冲击力要强3倍,对化学物质的稳定性也要强1.4~2.5倍;比现在最硬的材料聚缩醛还要硬14倍以上。晓星从2012年3月开始就在蔚山龙渊工厂搭建可生产1 000 t聚酮的生产设备,尝试进行生产。最近一年
South Korea Hyosung exclusively developed polyketide, a polymer material that will become the first company in the world to commercialize it. Polyketone is made of carbon monoxide, ethylenediamine, propylene and other environmentally friendly polymer materials can be used for automotive, electronics, industrial materials and spare parts. Compared with nylon, polyketone is 3 times more impact resistant and chemically stable 1.4 to 2.5 times harder than conventional polyacetals, which are more than 14 times harder than polyamides. Since March 2012, Hyosung has set up a production facility of 1,000 tons of polyketone at its Longyuan plant in Ulsan to try production. Last year