淮山药(D.batatas Deene.)是薯蓣科薯蓣屑中能形成地下肉质快茎的缠绕性藤本植物,具有较高的药用价值和营养价值。因长期营养繁殖,造成种性退化,品质下降,笔者从2000年开始进行淮山药的组培快繁试验,以期通过试管繁殖途径为生产用种提供理论依据,现将有关试验结果报告如下。 1 外植体的建立供试材料为本省明溪县的主栽品种,种薯切段经室内沙培长出的带芽茎
D.batatas Deene. Is a winding liana that can form the underground fleshy stems in yamodermaceae, which has high medicinal value and nutritional value. Due to long-term vegetative propagation, resulting in degeneration and degradation of quality, the author began to test the tissue culture and propagation of yam yam from 2000 to provide a theoretical basis for breeding by means of tube multiplication. The related test results are reported as follows. 1 explants to establish the test material for the province of Mingxi County, the main cultivars, seed cuttings grown by indoor sand culture with bud stem