全日制十年制学校高中数学课本第三册第五章中有这样一个题目:“在第1,3,5,8路公共汽车都要停靠的一个站,有一位乘客等候着第1路或第3路汽车。假定当时各路汽车首先到站的可能性相等,那么首先到站的正好为这位乘客所要乘的汽车的概率是多少?(习题十一第2题) 安徽省教育厅教学研究室编的高中数学第三册教学参考书中给出该题的答案是:1/2。这一结果的得出是认为首先到站的只能是一辆车,而不可能有几辆车同时到站的。但这不符合实际情况,由于是不同路的车,完全可以有几辆车同时到站,如图的情况就有这种可能。
In the fifth chapter of the third volume of mathematics textbooks for high school mathematics textbooks in full-time 10-year schools, there is a title: "At a station where buses No. 1, 3, 5, and 8 have to be parked, there is a passenger waiting for No. 1 or The third road car.Assuming that the possibility of the first arrival of the various cars at the time is equal, what is the probability of the first car to reach the station exactly for the passenger to take the car?(Question 11 Problem 2) Teaching in Anhui Provincial Department of Education The answer to this question given in the reference book of the third grade mathematics book compiled by the research room is: 1/2. The result is that the first to arrive is only one car, not several cars. The car arrives at the station at the same time, but this is not in line with the actual situation, because it is a different road car, there can be several cars at the same time to the station.