目的:开展面向患者的药物咨询工作,便于药学人员了解患者需求和收集病情资料,促进临床药学的发展。方法:选取1999年12月至2000年7月6 963位患者的咨询记录进行比较分析。结果:用药咨询651人,占总咨询人数的9.35%;咨询者以40岁以上的中老年人最多,占64.36%;以心脑血管疾病(包括高血压、高血脂)用药咨询最多,占27.96%。结论:面向患者的药物咨询是患者急需的服务,在普通医院均有必要开展。它不仅是药学人员与患者交流的途径,而且咨询工作中取得的真实病例资料有助于临床药师与临床医师交流。
OBJECTIVE: To conduct patient-oriented drug counseling so that pharmacy staff can understand patients’ needs and collect disease information and promote the development of clinical pharmacy. Methods: The consultation records of 6 963 patients from December 1999 to July 2000 were selected for comparative analysis. Results: 651 counseling patients, accounting for 9.35% of the total number of counselors; consultants to the elderly over the age of 40 most, accounting for 64.36%; to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (including hypertension, hyperlipidemia) medication advice, accounting for 27.96 %. Conclusion: Patient-oriented drug counseling is an urgently needed service to patients and is required in general hospitals. It is not only a way for pharmacy personnel to communicate with patients, but also real case data obtained from counseling can help clinicians and clinicians communicate.