倡导企业创新 实现跨越发展——访中国路桥(集团)总公司董事长兼总裁 周纪昌

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周纪昌,1950年12月生,江苏省丹阳市人。1976年12月毕业于上海同济大学公路与桥梁专业,1981年至1982年在英国运输部公路工程计算机部进修桥梁结构分析,2000年9月毕业于中央党校经济管理专业,研究生学历,2001年9月至今北方交通大学产业经济学在读博士。历任交通部第一公路勘察设计院技术员、工程师、桥梁设计室副主任、人事处长、副院长,中国公路桥梁建设总公司副总经理、副董事长,中国路桥(集团)总公司董事长、总裁。1992年破格晋升为高级工程师,1994年被国务院授予有突出贡献的中青年专家,享受政府津贴。北京市东城区人大代表。兼任中国公路学会副理事长、中国建筑业协会副会长、中国施工企业管理协会副理事长、中国承包商会副会长,长沙交通学院、长安大学兼职教授。 Zhou Ji Chang, born in December 1950, Danyang City, Jiangsu Province. He graduated from Shanghai Tongji University in December 1976 with a bachelor's degree in road and bridge engineering. From 1981 to 1982, he studied bridge structure in the Department of Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation of the Ministry of Railways. He graduated from the Central Party School in September 2000 with a degree in economics and management. Month until now, Ph.D., Industrial Economics, Northern Jiaotong University. He successively took the posts of technician and engineer of the First Highway Survey and Design Institute of the Ministry of Communications, deputy director, personnel director and vice president of Bridge Design Office, vice general manager and vice chairman of China Highway Bridge Construction Corporation, chairman of China Road & Bridge (Group) Corporation President. In 1992, he was promoted to a senior engineer, and was awarded a middle-aged and young expert who had made outstanding contributions by the State Council in 1994, enjoying government subsidies. Beijing Dongcheng District People's Congress. He is also Vice Chairman of China Highway Society, Vice President of China Construction Association, Vice Chairman of China Construction Enterprise Management Association, Vice President of China Contractors Association, Changsha Jiaotong University and Adjunct Professor of Chang'an University.
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动物是人类的朋友。今天,小书虫邀请同学们一起阅读三篇动物的故事,相信你们会有收获的。    在森林里,狮子和老虎相互闻名久矣,只是从未谋面。关于它俩谁是兽中之王,动物们看法不一。有的推崇狮子,有的推崇老虎。狮子和老虎自己都私下里憋足了一股劲,想着能有朝一日决出高低。  这一天,狮子溜达时,闻到了一股肉香,寻香而去,果然看见前方地上有一块肉。狮子正想去吃,却又停住了脚步,因为在那块肉的另一个方向,一
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“咚”——一头撞在门上,因为手里有本书;“吃饭了!”“来了,来了。”但久久也不见人影,因为眼前有本书;“嘿,去玩呀!”“就来。”害得伙伴门外等,只因为手中有本书。  我爱书。小时候,家里大人太忙,没时间管我,但丢给我一箱子哥哥看剩的连环画。于是我便坐在痰盂上不停地翻。在坏人头上画三角,好人头上画圆圈,有时我根本分不清好人坏人了。大一些,识字了,所有简单读物上的字我都认得了,就开始“磨”父母给我买很
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Look! The boy has a big mouth,two big eyes,a small nose and two big ears.He likes to eat chocolate,but he doesn't like to eat rice no matter how hungry he is. H
今天,爸爸带我到浴室洗澡,我的收获可真不小。  哦,已经一个星期没有洗澡了,身上可真脏!看来今天得和细菌“大战”一场了!嘿嘿!细菌接招吧!  到了“战场”,一群细菌冲了上来,我们的军队——“清理队”毫不示弱,对准细菌发起猛攻,用“洪水”冲它们。可是,刚冲走一批,又来了一群。它们不停地向咱队开炮。嘿,都什么时代了?还用这种武器!看我们的!“哒哒哒”——飞机来也!“嘭嘭嘭”——坦克来也!“呜哇呜哇”—