每秒钟20张照片,每次连拍超过300张照片,693个自动对焦点,ISO值为204800,像素高达2400万。虽然已经呈现了这一个个让人印象深刻的数据,但是惊喜才刚刚开始。我们只需要两个字就可以对Alpha 9做出形象的描述:完美!这款全画幅无反相机无论从哪个角度看,它的参数值都会让人激动不已甚至热泪盈眶。东京发出声明:索尼公司并不准备把这款Alpha 9作为一款旗舰产品,因为它还不是相机中的顶尖产品,并不能满足所有人的需要。这款新型相机的目标销售群体首先是那些动作摄影师、动物
20 photos per second, each time more than 300 photos, 693 AF points, ISO value of 204,800, up to 24 million pixels. Although this one has been presented impressive data, but the surprise has just begun. We only need two words to make a vivid description of the Alpha 9: Perfect! This full-frame SLR camera from any point of view, its parameter values will be very exciting and even tears. Tokyo issued a statement: Sony is not going to be the Alpha 9 as a flagship product, because it is not the top camera products, and can not meet everyone’s needs. The target group for this new camera is primarily those action photographers, animals