
来源 :微创医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waxs8520
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目的探讨中央型肺癌CT早期纵隔转移情况。方法对32例胸部X线仅呈现为支气管继发阻塞征的中央型肺癌患者用平扫、增强或螺旋CT进行纵隔淋巴结筛查。结果有纵隔转移征12例21处,转移率37.5%,其中病变类型为管外型16处、管壁型2处、管内型3处;转移部位为上腔静脉与气管之间间隙7例、支气管分支部7例、肺门部5例、主动脉弓旁2例。转移征与病变类型和病变部位的关系,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论胸部X线呈现阻塞征的中央型肺癌,用CT对其进行肺癌转移的排查,可提高肺癌早期转移的确诊率。 Objective To investigate the early mediastinal metastasis of central lung cancer. Methods Thirty-two cases of central lung cancer with thoracic X-ray showed only secondary bronchial obstruction were screened for mediastinal lymph node by plain scan, enhanced or spiral CT. The results of mediastinal metastasis sign in 12 cases of 21, the transfer rate was 37.5%, of which the type of lesions were 16 cases of tube wall type 2, tube type 3; transfer site for superior vena cava and tracheal clearance in 7 cases, Bronchial branch in 7 cases, hilar in 5 cases, aortic arch in 2 cases. There was no significant difference between the type of metastasis and the type of lesion and the location of lesion (P> 0.05). Conclusion Chest X-ray showed obstruction of central lung cancer, with CT to investigate the metastasis of lung cancer, can improve the diagnosis of early lung cancer metastasis.
困扰:学习成绩一路下滑  初中生宏伟,学习好,品行好,人缘好,老师和同学们都很喜欢他。可是,从初二下学期开始,他的成绩一路下滑,现在已从原来的年级前10名下滑到年级第120多名。这是怎么了?老师首先着了急,不断找宏伟谈话。几次谈话后,老师只看到了宏伟的眼泪,没看到宏伟的内心。不得已,老师请来家长。家长也是着急上火,却依然弄不懂这孩子到底怎么了。于是,他们辗转找到我,紧急预约来访。  电话中,宏伟的