今年3月4日,当49岁的钢琴家戴维.赫尔弗戈特在美国波士顿进行演出时,观众情不自禁地起立为他热烈欢呼。而根据他的坎坷经历改编的电影《光辉》(Shine)最近也大获成功,赢得了奥斯卡奖七项提名,并一举荣获最佳男演员奖。也许,音乐专家们会批评戴维的演奏不够规范,但对听众米说,他却是最震撼人心的钢琴大师。他演奏的拉赫玛尼诺夫第三协奏曲连续七周名列 CD 排行榜榜首。他的环球巡回演出卖座率也极高,堪与“滚
On March 4, this year, when 49-year-old pianist David Herforot performed in Boston, USA, the audience could not help but stand up to cheer him warmly. And Shine, adapted from his rough experience, has also recently been a big success, winning seven Oscar nominations and winning the Best Actor award in one fell swoop. Perhaps, music experts will criticize David’s playing is not standardized, but to the audience meters that he is the most thrilling piano master. He played Rachmaninoff third concerto for seven consecutive weeks ranked CD charts top. His global tour blockbuster is also very high, worthy of "rolling