优化环境 创新发展 全面提升乡镇企业整体素质

来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daguofan
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我市坚持以解放思想为先导,以发展为主题,以结构调整为主线,以改革开放和科技进步为动力,努力推动“乡镇企业经营国际化、布局园区化、投资多元化、主导产业特色化、经营主体民营化”的战略性转移,实现了乡镇企业持续、快速、健康发展。2001年,全市乡镇企业完成增加值155.2亿元,上缴税金7.04亿元,对全市GDP和财政收入的贡献率分别达到50%和49.8%;乡镇企业增加值占农村社会增加值的比重达到73%;乡镇企业职工收入对农民人均纯收入的贡献率达到57%。乡镇企业已成为我市国民经济的中坚力量和最具活力的经济增长点。 The city adhere to the emancipation of the mind as the guide, with development as the theme, with structural adjustment as the main line, with reform and opening up and scientific and technological progress as a driving force, and strive to promote “internationalization of township enterprises, the layout of the park, investment diversification, leading industrial characteristics The privatization of the main business and the privatization of the main business ”have achieved the sustained, rapid and healthy development of township and village enterprises. In 2001, the township enterprises in the city completed the added value of 15.52 billion yuan and paid taxes of 704 million yuan, contributing 50% and 49.8% of the city's GDP and fiscal revenue respectively. The added value of township and village enterprises accounted for 73% of the added value of rural society, ; The contribution rate of the income of workers in township enterprises to the per capita net income of farmers reached 57%. Township enterprises have become the backbone of our city's national economy and the most dynamic economic growth point.
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破译密码问题比较难,且有些神秘,许多同 学感到可望不可及.下面举三道典型例题,以探 索此类问题的规律和方法. 例1 现代社会对破译密码的难度要求越 来越高.有一种密码把英文
1999年11月原国家经贸委和国家统计局根据1998年的我国经济统计参数,参照一些国家的标准及各类企业占企业总数的比重, In November 1999, the former State Economic and T