我在大学任社会科学教授,因为工作关 系,要经常研究各国的教育改革问题,当然 主要是研究大学的改革,也搜集了不少资料, 作了一些相应的课题。在研究中我发现,如 果只把眼光放在大学教育改革上,而忽略了 中小学的教育改革,那收到的效果就很有限。 毕竟,中小学是人生重要的打基础阶段,“基 础不牢,地动山摇”。因而,中小学教育改革 也应与时俱进,加大改革力度。那么,其他 国家教育方面的成功做法和改革经验,就是 值得借鉴和参考的。
I am a professor of social sciences at university. Because of the work relationship, I must constantly study the problems of education reforms in various countries. Of course, I mainly study the reform of universities and collect a lot of information. I have made some corresponding questions. In my research, I discovered that if we only focus on university education reform and neglect primary and secondary school education reforms, the effect we receive is very limited. After all, primary and secondary schools are important foundations for people’s lives, and their basic foundation is not strong enough to shake the earth. Therefore, primary and secondary school education reforms should also advance with the times and increase reform efforts. Well, the successful practices and reform experiences of other countries in education are worth learning and referencing.