A five-axis numerical control machining tool path optimization model was established to improve the acceleration of the machine tool during the corner transition in the linear interpolation mode. Taking into account the differences in the acceleration capabilities of the five axes, the shaft acceleration is measured as the ratio of the axial acceleration, ie, the ratio of the maximum acceleration actually achieved by the shaft to its maximum allowable acceleration, as measured by the square average of the 5-axis acceleration ratios as a whole Machine acceleration, reduce the value of the machine can improve the smooth movement. The shortest distance line method is used to set up the feasible domain of the yaw angle and pitch angle of the cutter at each contact point of the initial tool path so that the smoother tool path meets the requirements of residual height and no overcutting. The example shows that this method can effectively smooth the five-axis CNC machining tool path, improve the acceleration of the machine tool and improve the smoothness of the machine tool.