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研究聚乙烯胺固着剂对浆料Zeta电位、电导率以及对成纸水性色浆留着率、干强度、湿强度、湿强保留率、吸水性、耐老化性能的影响。结果显示随聚乙烯胺用量的增加,浆料Zeta电位逐渐升高,当用量为0.07%时,Zeta电位由负变正,系统开始不稳定,出现强烈絮聚现象,而体系电导率始终未发生明显变化;随聚乙烯胺用量的增加,成纸水性色浆留着率、干强度、湿强度、湿强保留率均逐渐提高,而吸水性、耐老化性能略微下降,当聚乙烯胺用量为0.05%时,效果最佳,与使用硫酸铝为固着剂的纸样相比,水性色浆留着率大幅升高,△a达到7.75,△E达到11.22,同时强度指标也明显提升,干强度提升5.2%,湿强度提升33.2%,湿强保留率提升26.7%,而吸水性相同,耐老化性能虽有所下降,但仍在相同的色差范围内。 The effects of polyvinylamine fixatives on the Zeta potential and conductivity of the slurry as well as the retention, dry strength, wet strength, retention of wet strength, water absorption and aging resistance of paper pulp aqueous pastes were studied. The results showed that with the increase of the amount of polyvinylamine, the zeta potential of the slurry increased gradually. When the dosage was 0.07%, the Zeta potential changed from negative to positive and the system began to be unstable. The conductivity of the system did not occur With the increase of the amount of polyvinylamine, the water retention, dry strength, wet strength and wet strength retention of the aqueous paper pulp gradually increased while the water absorption and aging resistance decreased slightly. When the amount of polyvinylamine was 0.05%, the effect is the best. Compared with the sample using aluminum sulfate as the fixative, the retention of water-based paste increased greatly, △ a reached 7.75, △ E reached 11.22, and the strength index also improved significantly, and the dry strength increased 5.2%, wet strength increased by 33.2%, wet strength retention increased by 26.7%, while the same water absorption, although the anti-aging properties have declined, but still within the same color range.
目的观察芍红消结颗粒对子宫内膜异位症大鼠异位组织基质金属酶(MMP)-2 mRNA的影响,探讨其治疗子宫内膜异位症的作用机制。方法半定量逆转录聚合酶链反应技术(RT-PCR)检测EM
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