序号工作内容时间一、调研类1 青少年体育俱乐部试点调研2月2 《国家体育锻炼标准》课题研究全年二、法规类1 与教育部会签下发《体育传统项目学校管理办法》第四季度2 制定《青少年体育工作先进集体、先进个人评定标准和评选办法》上半年3 修订《体育运动学校办校规定》
No. Work Content Time First, the research class 1 Youth Sports Club pilot survey February 2 “National Physical Training Standards” Research Year Ⅱ Laws Class 1 and the Ministry of Education will sign the “Physical Education Project School Management Measures” The fourth quarter 2 Formulation of “Adolescents Sports Advanced Collective, Advanced Individual Assessment Criteria and Selection Methods” In the first half 3 Revised “Sports Schools Provisions”