苏州:行政区划重大调整 新苏州城区将“接轨”上海

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苏州市9月1日召开新闻发布会,宣布合并位于古城区的沧浪、平江、金阊三区为姑苏区,县级市吴江市撤县设区。区划调整后苏州城区将直接与上海接壤,此举将有利于加强苏州中心城市首位度和辐射能力,理顺苏州古城保护和太湖整体保护开发的体制机制,还将降低行政管理成本和提高行政效能。苏州市委常委、副市长周伟强介绍说,苏州下辖五县市均是全国十强县,苏州市中心城市首位度 September 1, Suzhou City, held a news conference, announced the merger is located in the ancient city of Canglang, Pingjiang, Jinqu three districts for the Gusu, Wujiang City, county-level city to withdraw from the district. After the adjustment, the urban area of ​​Suzhou will directly connect with Shanghai. This will be conducive to strengthening the first degree and radiation capability of the central city of Suzhou, rationalizing the institutional protection of the ancient city of Suzhou and the overall protection and development of the Taihu Lake, reducing the administrative costs and improving administrative efficiency . Zhou Weijiang, member of the Standing Committee of Suzhou Municipal CPC Committee and vice mayor, said that the five counties and cities under the jurisdiction of Suzhou are the top ten counties in the country and the first degree in the central cities of Suzhou
2012 中国城市规划学会城市生态规划学术委员会年会于7 月 12 日至 13 日在长沙市召开。会议由中国城市规划学会城市生态规划学术委员会主办, 长沙市城乡规划局承办,长沙市规