The Neglect of Woman’s Voice

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  Due to the deep-rooted discrimination on genders, men and women have been evaluated and treated with different social norms. In this paper an in-depth study is needed to set out on cultural gender discrimination instead of discrimination on gender. According to literature review and some observations, Men and women as two clusters of population appear to have their own cultures, the masculine cultures tend to use more aggressive styles of communication, their problem-solving methods and conflict-management techniques would centre on bottom-line issues, strict coping and debriefing information technique. In contrast, the feminine cultures are probably much more capable of reading non-verbal messages and are better prepared to deal with ambiguity (Dodd, 1998).
  There are many reasons why people who speak the same language sometimes fail to understand each other, language is a system of signs that is seen as having itself a cultural value, and speakers identify themselves and other through their use of language (Claire, 1998). Individuals brought to the intercultural encounter not only their ethnographic categories, world views, values, cultural themes and so forth but essentially their language and its influential power of shaping in the lives of cultural members. Researches have shown that when men and women attempt to interact as equals in friendly cross-sex conversations they do not play the same role in interaction, During a conversation, women display a greater tendency of asking question, being more active, using more posture minimal response, such as “mm, hmm”, adopting a strategy of “silent protest” and using pronounces “you” and “we”. On the other hand, men tend to interrupt the speech, challenge or dispute their partners’ utterances, ignore the comments of the other speakers, use more mechanisms for controlling the topic of conversation and more declarations of the fact or opinion (Hirschman, 1973;Zimmerman and West, 1975; West and Zimmerman, 1977). The outputs of another investigation based on the observation at school boys and girls indicate that girls maintain relationships of closeness and equality, criticize others in acceptable ways and interpret accurately. Boys tend to assist one’s position of dominance, maintain an audience, and assert oneself when other speakers show their opinions (Hirschman, 1973; Zimmerman and West, 1975; West and Zimmerman, 1977). According to studies of sexism in language, men and women, to a great extent, tend to adopt different ways to communicate with other people according to their culture and environment respectively. For example, women tend to perform in a more polite way at most time but more aggressive than men when emergencies happen. However, because the restriction of social environment and the weakness of woman’s inner-self transcendence thought all have deep influence on woman’s struggle on the world stage. Capitalist industrialization brings about other reasons on inequality situation between the labour of women and men as well as a separative location of their activities. Men are more visible and ideologically classified to the public sphere while women are relegated to the domestic sphere. Conversation at home will be perceived as a different genre from talk in public places. Married women are expected to be more responsible for providing emotional support to family members verbally and non-verbally than married men, and mother’s talk to daughters is a unique speaking way.   It seems inevitable that the differences between male and female will be presenting within the context of languages as long as they exist. The two genders’ speaking tends to perform in different ways from their childhood due to different gender cultures behind it. However, the underlying point of this study is to pinpoint the biased attitude that the mass have been holding and to help people realize that being mild does not mean less authority or decisiveness. Because of historical reasons and female’s traits, as they always play the role like housewife, nurse, teacher and so on, they live according to what the society want them to be, but we all know the simple fact that each occupation need to be respected, each job may need both male and female. and each culture should be understood. Women should live and play the role as they wish to instead of following the rules that this unequal society makes. Males should try to understand them rather than to despise them with bias. Females should be more confident through more sobering self-scrutiny and better understanding of male culture. Only minor modifies in female’s speaking can influence so much on human being’s judgments, decisions and behaviors. Equal dialogues between men and women will be a significant development in the history of mankind civilization.
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【摘要】所谓互动教学,其核心就是“互动”,课堂教学的互动是有教师和学生共同建立的,要实现课堂的互动,需要教师积极的引导和学生积极的配合,双方共同参与到课堂活动中,建立良好的师生关系,提高课堂效率和质量,本文就小学英语互动教学进行研究,对其具体的互动策略展开讨论,让英语课堂充满活力和生机,激发学生的课堂积极性。  【关键词】小学英语;互动课堂;探究  【作者简介】彭琪媛,常州市新北区浦河实验学校。 
【摘要】文章从教育部组织开展的“2016-2017年度一师一优课”的活动中精选了三节部级优课,对课堂互动过程中的教师反馈语进行了分析。研究结果表明,三位老师使用了多种反馈方式,对于教师在英语课堂中改善其反馈性话语,促进课堂互动具有积极意义。  【关键词】教师话语;一师一优课;意义协商;语言反馈  【作者简介】徐小培,淮北师范大学外国语学院。  部级优课是专家遴选出的最高层级的优课,质量上乘,具有示
【摘要】本研究充分利用师范专业认证对当前英语课程改革的倒逼机制,针对现阶段独立院校师范英语课改遭遇的瓶颈,提出改善措施。研究认为,独立院校应参照毕业要求,优化课程设置;更新教学理念,提升教师素质;增强实践教学,培养创新意识;重视课程评价,形成有效闭环。以上举措在高度重视高素质创新型师范人才培养的同时,有助于使认证工作及课程改革落于实处。  【关键词】师范专业认证;课程改革;毕业要求;实践教学;课程
【摘要】英语写作是一种书面语言输出形式,是学生英语综合运用语言能力和思维能力的重要体现。批判性思维,作为核心素养的思维品质之一,其有效性直接影响到英语写作的深度和质量。基于此,本文简单论述了高中英语写作教学中批判性思维培养的问题现状,及相关教学探究。  【关键词】批判性思维;高中英语写作  【作者简介】张艳梅,女,上海人,上海市西郊学校,高中英语教师。  一、批判性思维  《普通高中英语课程标准(
【摘 要】初中數学课堂中的学生与教师的积极性决定着课堂教学的有效性,教师如何设计、组织好课堂教学体现了教师的教育理念,只有以人为本、以生为本,把课堂上每一位学生真正的调动起来参与知识的形成与发现的再创造过程,学习才会真正发生,学生的核心素养才会得以提升,学生才会真正来到课中央。  【关键词】数学课堂;学生;教师  【中图分类号】G633.6 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1005-6009(201
【摘要】现在的高中英语课堂教学中,我们能够看到一般的教学方式,不太能够切实帮助到每一个学生,让所有的学生在课堂上都得到收获。因而分层教学法便逐渐被高中英语教师所青睐。本文将在立足于高中英语教学现状的基础上,对分层教学在高中英语课程教学中的应用展开研究。  【关键词】分层教学;高中英语;课堂教学  【作者简介】赵俊娥,东莞市翰林实验学校。  所谓的分层教学法,实际上就是指教师在教学过程中,结合学生的
【摘要】以往进行高中英语课堂教学时,教师所采用的教学模式往往以重知识而轻能力为主,在此教学模式背景下,学生的学习兴趣难以得到有效激发。而合作教学模式的应用,不仅是课程改革背景下教学模式创新的一大重要举措,同时也实现了在学生课堂教学中的主体地位。本文基于合作学习方式渲染更加浓厚的课堂积极自主学习氛围,将以往学生具有的厌学情绪给予有效改善,为学生学习效率提升创造良好环境,实现学生的逐步进步。  【关键
【Abstract】The《Eighty-One Dreams》was written by Zhang Henshui during the Anti-Japanese War. The work takes the form of dreams and appeals to the spiritual pursuit of intellectuals. The form of dreams g