Corrosion Penetration and Crystal Structure of AA5022 in HCl Solution and Rare Earth Elements

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangbaichi001
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Al-alloy (AA5022) corrosion penetration (CP) and crystal structure were investigated after running static immersion corrosion tests in 1 mol/L HCl solution and different concentrations of rare earth elements (La3+), (Ce3+) and their combination, at different temperatures. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to examine the surface structure before and after immersion, and secondary electron detector (SED) was operated to study surface morphology. In 1 mol/L HCI solution the corrosion penetration increased with increasing temperature and immersion time. The increase of La3+ concentrations up to 1000×10-6 g/L led to the decrease in the corrosion penetration, and the decrease in Ce3+ concentrations up to 50×10-6 g/L decreases the corrosion penetration of the alloy. Mix3 (combination of La3+ and Ce3+) dramatically reduced the corrosion penetration. This suggests that a synergistic effect exists between La3+ and Ce3+. The reaction kinetics both in absence and presence of La3+ and Ce3+ and their combination woul Al-alloy (AA5022) corrosion penetration (CP) and crystal structure were investigated after running static immersion corrosion tests in 1 mol / L HCl solution and different concentrations of rare earth elements (La3 +), (Ce3 +) and their combination, at different temperatures . X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to examine the surface structure before and after immersion, and secondary electron detector (SED) was operated to study surface morphology. In 1 mol / L HCI solution the corrosion penetration increased with increasing temperature and immersion The increase of La3 + concentrations up to 1000 × 10-6 g / L led to the decrease in the corrosion penetration, and the decrease in Ce3 + concentration up to 50 × 10-6 g / L decreases the corrosion penetration of the alloy. Mix3 (combination of La3 + and Ce3 +) dramatically reduced the corrosion penetration. This suggests that a synergistic effect exists between La3 + and Ce3 +. The reaction kinetics both in absence and presence of La3 + and Ce3 + and the ir combination woul
截至今年4月1日,第十版《鐵路技术管理规程》(以下简称《技规》)正式实施已满4周年。4年来,全路广大干部职工认真学习、贯彻、落实新《技规》,以规范铁路运输安全管理为主线,以强化提速条件下的安全为重点,确保了铁路运输安全的持续稳定,经济社会效益明显提高。  《技规》是铁路技术管理的基本规章,是铁路实行依法管理的主要技术文件。新《技规》实施以来,铁路部门始终围绕铁路运输安全生产,增强专业管理意识,不断
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从前,有一座叫“伊”的城市,它失眠了。它最大的愿望是能找回自己的睡眠。它该怎么办呢?据说,如果能找到一十安静的、充盈着绿色的、有洁净空气的地方,它就能好好睡上一觉。那么,伊找到了吗?  伊失眠了。  伊是一座城市。它矗立在一片辽阔的平原上,拥有数不尽的人、高楼、街道、商店……可是现在,它失眠了。白天,睡不着;晚上,也睡不着。你要知道,以前它可是想打盹就打盹,想睡觉就睡觉的。当然,它一打盹,整座城市
研讨会于 2 0 0 1年 8月 2 2~ 2 4日在沈阳召开。会议由北京起重运输机械研究所行业信息中心、中国重型机械工业协会带式输送机分会、物料搬运分会自动化专业委员会共同主办 ,
A novel ligand of DTPA-dihydropyridine derivative was synthesized by reaction of DTPA-dianhydride with 4-aniline-1,4-dihydropyridine. Its complexes of gadoliniu