
来源 :古籍整理研究学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianbbk
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《匋雅》是我国清末民初时的一部陶瓷专论力作,经常被传抄转引。可令人遗憾的是,有关《匋雅》的版本问题却很少被人关注和重视,更少有人考虑这些版本之间的联系和区别。针对于此,本文系统考察和梳理了《匋雅》的各种版本,比较了初稿《瓷学》与初版《匋雅》之间的异同,厘清了初版《匋雅》及其衍生本之间的流传演变关系,以期给当前《匋雅》整理者和使用者以方法和建议。 “Ya Ya” is a piece of porcelain monographs in late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, often copied and quoted. Regrettably, the issue of “elegant” versions is seldom watched and valued, and few consider the connections and differences between these versions. In view of this, this article systematically examines and sorts out the various versions of “Ya Ya”, compares the similarities and differences between the first edition of “Ci Xue” and the first edition of “Ya Ya”, clarifies the first version of “Ya Ya” and its derivative The evolution of the relationship between the spread, with a view to the current “Ya Ya” trimmers and users with methods and suggestions.
一邓小平是当代中国的伟人,也是当代世界的伟人。2004年掀起了纪念邓小平百年诞辰的热潮,那么,我们用什么来纪念这位伟大的改革家,伟大的先行者,特别是我们电视人? 回答好这