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党的十二大提出,到二十世纪末,力争工农业年总产值翻两番和人民物质文化生活达到小康水平。为这个重要战略目标服务,是我们科研工作的光荣任务。 到2000年,自现在算起还有十五年。在此期间科研工作如何选题,并能够长期坚持下去,直至出成果为战略目标服务,这是一个非常重要的问题。选何种课题才能长期坚持下去,这应回顾历史,从科学院的方向任务说起。 从1949年建院以来,科学院的方向、任务在不同的历史时期有不同的提法。现仅就其主要的摘录如下: 1950年6月,郭沫若院长在中央人民政府政务院文化教育委员会上提出中国科学院 At the end of the twentieth century, the 12th National Congress of the Party proposed that the total output value of industry and agriculture should be quadrupled and that the material and cultural life of the people should reach a well-to-do level. Serving this important strategic goal is a glorious task for our scientific research. By 2000, there are fifteen years from now. It is a very important issue that how scientific research should be selected during this period and that it should be sustained in the long run until the results serve the strategic objectives. What kinds of topics should we choose to persevere in the long run? This should be a review of history, starting with the direction and tasks of the Academy of Sciences. Since the establishment of the academy in 1949, the orientation and tasks of the Academy of Sciences have different formulations in different historical periods. The only major excerpts are as follows: In June 1950, Dean Guo Moruo proposed at the Culture and Education Committee of the Central Government Department of the Central People's Government
本文阐述了自然科学基础性研究实行自然科学基金制之后,对于保持科技工作各层次的稳定性,加强基础理论研究,促进高等学校的科研工作和学科建设的重要意义。 This essay elab
在2012年11月27日~11月30日举行的中国国际工程机械、建材机械、工程车辆及设备博览会(BAUMA China 2012)上,德国滤清专家曼胡默尔全面展示其在工业领域的领先技术和产品,包括
谈到语言训练,我认为既不可没有教师的指导,又离不开学生的参与。本文想就学生的参与问题谈点粗浅的看法。 首先,从教与学的关系来看。 教学过程是由教师的教和学生的学所组
匹诺曹(唱歪歌《小城故事》):同桌故事多,充满忧和乐,要是你听我说一说,收获特别多…… Pinocchio (sing the song “town story”): the same table and more stories, ful