The reality that power systems in the world face together is that economic development requires that energy resources be optimally deployed in a larger scope, and objectively requires that the size of the power grid be continuously expanded. However, the existence and development of any objective objective have the dual nature. The advantages of large power grids are obvious, which can promote the rational utilization of energy resources, realize the economies of scale of transmission, and improve the power quality and the safety and stability of power grids. However, with the interconnection of power grids and the expansion of power grid coverage, once an accident occurs in a large power grid and can not be quickly eliminated, it is likely to cause stabalization and uncontrollable chain reactions, causing widespread and prolonged power outages and political stability to society And economic security have a serious impact, which is unmatched by accidents in other industries. It is precisely because of the existence of these contradictions that the continuous innovation of power technology and management system has been promoted. Under the current new power system, it is imperative to set up a safe operation mechanism of power grid to adapt to the new system as soon as possible. The following combination of the actual situation of China Southern Power Grid to establish and improve the safe operation of power grids and emergency response mechanism.