打印机市场,惠普的霸主地位毋庸置疑,二十几年无人撼动。但是目前惠普的打印机事业却受到越来越多的挑战,其中以戴尔来势最为凶猛。从2003年开始,戴尔就向打印机领域大肆进攻,到如今,两家之间已经形成势如水火的局面。就在 2005年年末,在外界一直以低调形象出现的惠普新任CEO马克.赫德对“戴尔威胁论”正式作出了回应,加速了惠普与戴尔之间的争斗,而其他一直觊觎惠普宝座的各家厂商似乎也一直在旁伺机而动。打印机市场一时间硝烟渐起,似乎预示着一个战国时代的来临。
Printer market, HP’s dominance no doubt, no one shake in 20 years. But at present, HP’s printer business has been more and more challenges, including the most ferocious Dell. Since 2003, Dell has aggressively attacked the field of printers, and by now, the situation between the two has become quite prosperous. At the end of 2005, Hewlett-Packard’s new chief executive Mark, who appeared in a low profile image outside. Hurd responded formally to the “Dell Threat Theory,” accelerating the battle between Hewlett-Packard and Dell, and other vendors that have been huddled with Hewlett-Packard appear to have been on the waiting list. A time of smoke printer market, it seems that indicates a Warring States era.