中图分类号:S436.24 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-1463(2018)02-0030-04
Fungi and Oomycota Isolated from Diseased Root,Basal Plate,
and Scale of Lilium davidii var. willmottiae
BAI Bin 1*, 2, 3, HE Suqin 4, 5, YU Anfen1, 2, 3, JING Zhuoqiong 4, 5, LI Ruiqin 1, 2, 3, XU Rui 1, 2, 3,LIU Lilong 1, 2, 3
(1. Institute of Animal Husbandry,Pasture and Green Agriculture, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou Gansu 730070,China;2. Institute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou Gansu 730070,China;3. Laboratory of Quality & Safety Risk Assessment for Agro-products (Lanzhou),Ministry of Agriculture,Lanzhou Gansu 730070,China;4. Institute of Plant Protection,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou Gansu 730070,China;5. Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Crop Pests in Tianshui,Ministry of Agriculture,Tianshui Gansu 741200,China)
Abstract:In order to investigate the related fungi and Oomycota corresponding to brown rot of Lanzhou lily, disease samples were collected from main planting locations of Lanzhou lily in Gansu in the fall of 2013.Fungi and Oomycota were isolated from 522 tissue pieces of diseased roots, basal plates, and scales by normal fungus tissue isolation method. A total of 574 strains of fungi and Oomycota were isolated, with an isolation rate of fungi and Oomycota of 109.96%. As a result of morphological identification, 6 genera were obtained, of which isolation frequency of Ilyonectria,Fusarium and Rhizoctonia amounted to 46.86%,32.23% and 17.07% respectively, as the dominant population in the total isolated fungi. The proportion of the 3 dominant bacteria groups is obviously different because of the separation site and the sampling plot.
Key words:Lanzhou lily;Brown rot disease;Isolation rate;Isolation frequency;Dominant population
豌豆根腐病是由鐮刀菌引起的一种土传病害,是豌豆(Pisumsativum L.)生产上的一种毁灭性病害,世界各国豌豆产区普遍发生[1 - 2 ]。近年来,该病害在我国豌豆主产区甘肃中部干旱地区的定西中部以及兰州市榆中县等地发生日益严重,致使豌豆产量遭受到严重的损失。国内对于豌豆根腐病的报道已有很多,比如李敏权[3 ]研究了甘肃省豌豆根腐病发生规律;李乾坤等[4 ]研究了甘肃中部干旱山区豌豆根腐病综合防治;孙顺娣等[5 ]、孙文姬等[6 ]、伍克俊等[7 ]报道,甘肃省中部干旱地区豌豆根腐病的病原为尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.)和茄病镰刀菌(Fusarium solani(Mart)Sacc.)。关于豌豆病原菌在其寄主体内的分布情况,国内未见报道。
中图分类号:S436.24 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-1463(2018)02-0030-04
Fungi and Oomycota Isolated from Diseased Root,Basal Plate,
and Scale of Lilium davidii var. willmottiae
BAI Bin 1*, 2, 3, HE Suqin 4, 5, YU Anfen1, 2, 3, JING Zhuoqiong 4, 5, LI Ruiqin 1, 2, 3, XU Rui 1, 2, 3,LIU Lilong 1, 2, 3
(1. Institute of Animal Husbandry,Pasture and Green Agriculture, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou Gansu 730070,China;2. Institute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou Gansu 730070,China;3. Laboratory of Quality & Safety Risk Assessment for Agro-products (Lanzhou),Ministry of Agriculture,Lanzhou Gansu 730070,China;4. Institute of Plant Protection,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou Gansu 730070,China;5. Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Crop Pests in Tianshui,Ministry of Agriculture,Tianshui Gansu 741200,China)
Abstract:In order to investigate the related fungi and Oomycota corresponding to brown rot of Lanzhou lily, disease samples were collected from main planting locations of Lanzhou lily in Gansu in the fall of 2013.Fungi and Oomycota were isolated from 522 tissue pieces of diseased roots, basal plates, and scales by normal fungus tissue isolation method. A total of 574 strains of fungi and Oomycota were isolated, with an isolation rate of fungi and Oomycota of 109.96%. As a result of morphological identification, 6 genera were obtained, of which isolation frequency of Ilyonectria,Fusarium and Rhizoctonia amounted to 46.86%,32.23% and 17.07% respectively, as the dominant population in the total isolated fungi. The proportion of the 3 dominant bacteria groups is obviously different because of the separation site and the sampling plot.
Key words:Lanzhou lily;Brown rot disease;Isolation rate;Isolation frequency;Dominant population
豌豆根腐病是由鐮刀菌引起的一种土传病害,是豌豆(Pisumsativum L.)生产上的一种毁灭性病害,世界各国豌豆产区普遍发生[1 - 2 ]。近年来,该病害在我国豌豆主产区甘肃中部干旱地区的定西中部以及兰州市榆中县等地发生日益严重,致使豌豆产量遭受到严重的损失。国内对于豌豆根腐病的报道已有很多,比如李敏权[3 ]研究了甘肃省豌豆根腐病发生规律;李乾坤等[4 ]研究了甘肃中部干旱山区豌豆根腐病综合防治;孙顺娣等[5 ]、孙文姬等[6 ]、伍克俊等[7 ]报道,甘肃省中部干旱地区豌豆根腐病的病原为尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.)和茄病镰刀菌(Fusarium solani(Mart)Sacc.)。关于豌豆病原菌在其寄主体内的分布情况,国内未见报道。