在印度的传统药物中,沙梨木 Cratevanurvala 是治疗包括尿石症在内的泌尿系统疾病处方中的主要组分。以往的研究表明沙梨木的粗提物具有抗尿石症作用。本文研究了从沙梨木中进一步分离提取的羽扇醇对大鼠实验性尿石症的预防和治疗作用。
Among traditional Indian medicines, Cratevanurvala is the main component in the prescription of urinary system diseases including urolithiasis. Previous studies have shown that crude extracts of Sardinia have anti-urinary stone effects. In this paper, the further study on the prevention and treatment of experimental urolithiasis in rats from the extraction of lupinol from Sabina.