李光强 水电铁军之将

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河流湍急,巨石钢筋纵横交错。堰塞体上十余台大型挖掘机不停作业……截至8月15日下午14时,经过武警水电官兵的连续奋战,被洪水淹没近8天的舟曲瓦场桥第一次露出江面,瓦场桥至罗家峪泄流渠全线贯通,湍急的江水顺着江心奔流而下,标志着舟曲堰塞湖抢险取得了重大胜利。8月8日凌晨,甘肃省舟曲县因强降雨引发滑坡泥石流,堵塞嘉陵江上游支流白龙江形成堰塞湖,造成重大人员伤亡。担负国家应急救援任务的武警水电官兵闻险而动,第一时间启动应急预案,迅速从甘肃、陕西、四川、江西等4省7个正在紧张施工的水电站工地抽调200余名精干官兵和30余台套大型机械设备,千里机动赶赴舟曲灾区,展开堰塞湖排险任务。部署这次抢险任务的就是武警水电指挥部主任李光强。李光强,武警水电指挥部主任,少将警衔,教授级高级工程师。从军40多年来,先后组织部队参与建设了广西天生桥、西藏羊湖、新疆吉林台水电站、三峡永久船闸、青藏铁路等30多项国家重点工程,并参加和组织指挥过多次重大自然灾害的应急救援任务。在2000年西藏易贡抢险,2006年四川宣汉天然气溢流抢险,2008年抗击南方雨雪冰冻灾害、汶川大地震的唐家山堰塞湖排险,2010年青海玉树抗震救灾、江西抚河决口封堵等一次次重大行动中,李光强或坐镇机关调兵遣将,或亲临一线现场指挥,以科学果断的决策水平和身先士卒的战斗作风带领部队向党和人民交出了一份份合格答卷,也向人们展示了这位水电铁军之将的不凡战斗历程。 Rush river, boulders criss-cross. Weir body on more than ten large excavators kept working ...... As at 15 o’clock on August 15, after Armed Forces officers and men of continuous fighting, was flooded nearly 8 days of Zhouqu Wafuqiao the first time exposed the river, Wadong Bridge to Luojiayu drainage through the river, the rapid river running down the river heart, marking the Zhouqu dammed lake rescue made a major victory. On the early morning of August 8, the landslide debris flow caused by heavy rainfall in Zhouqu County, Gansu Province blocked the formation of a barrier lake in Bailongjiang, an upper reaches of the Jialing River, causing heavy casualties. The armed police officers and men who took on the tasks of national emergency rescue were at risk and the emergency plan was activated at the first time. More than 200 capable officers and 30 officers and men were quickly dispatched from 7 tense construction sites in Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Jiangxi provinces. Taiwan sets of large machinery and equipment, thousands of miles rushed Zhouqu stricken areas, started the quake lake expedition task. The task of deploying this emergency rescue is Armed Police Hydropower Command Director Li Guangqiang. Li Guangqiang, director of Armed Police Hydropower Command, major general, professor level senior engineer. Over the past 40 years or so since the PLA formed military forces, it has successively organized more than 30 national key projects including the Tiansheng Bridge in Guangxi, Yangshuo in Tibet, Jilin and Taiwan’s Taishu Hydropower Station, the Permanent Ship Lock in the Three Gorges Project and the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, and participated in and organized the emergency of major natural disasters Rescue mission In 2000 Tibet Yigong rescue, 2006 Xuanhan natural gas overflow rescue in Sichuan in 2008 to fight the snow and ice disaster in southern China, Wenchuan earthquake Tangjiashan dammed lake adventure 2010 Yushu in Qinghai Province earthquake relief Fuhe, In a major operation such as blockade, Li Guangqiang, or his agency, dispatched troops to send troops or went to the front line to lead the troops to the party and the people with a scientifically decisive decision-making level and lead combat troops to hand over a qualified answer sheet. To show people the Iron and Steel Army of this extraordinary fighting history.
An ultra broad band polarizer that operates in the telecommunication wavelength band is proposed.This device,which consists of a single suspended germanium reso
至截稿时,南方第11轮强降雨仍在持续。与长江干流完备的防控体系相比,长江支流的防控洪水措施显得较为脆弱。有水利专家认为,江西抚州唱凯堤溃决,堤坝维护不力是主因,但水利设施老化也是重要因素。  6月25日,来自西太平洋的暖湿气流与南下冷团在赣东上空的博弈仍未决出胜负,入夏后的第11轮强降雨如注而至。  上午8时,湘江长沙段迎来今年第三次洪峰,水位为38.46米,比98年的历史最高水位39.18米仅差
2008年7月10日,米其林轮胎同中国平朔煤矿在法国克莱蒙费朗签订为期3年的可续约合同。根据合同规定,米其林公司将为中国最大的露天煤矿——山西平朔煤矿提供全方位轮胎产 Ju