在性医学专科门诊,我刚送走一位病人,正想休息片刻。突然,门外响起一阵“哗啦啦”的声音,我循声望去,只见一位年轻的小伙子正在使劲地收缩他手中的雨伞,以他的动作来看,他的心情似乎很焦急。 “吕教授,您好!我是慕名找您的,这个星期已来了两次,均不是您值班。得知您今天下午当班,虽然下着大雨,我还是赶来了。”小伙子边说边递上了挂号票。 原来这位年满30岁的强壮小伙子自认为患了阳痿之症,前来就诊的。据其主诉,婚后5年来夫妻生活一直很和谐,每星期四至五次的鸾凤之交两人都“做’得如醉如痴,心满意足。 “吕教授,说出来您别见笑。我妻子曾不止一次地对我说,她最喜欢我身体的部位就是我的这条‘命根子’,因为每到晚上,
At the specialty clinic, I just sent away a patient and I was thinking of taking a break. All of a sudden, there was a squeak of “crashed” outside the door, and I watched it. I saw a young man trying to shrink the umbrella in his hand. From his movements, his mood seemed anxious. “Professor Lu, hello! I am looking for your name, this week has come twice, are not on duty. I know you are on duty this afternoon, although under heavy rain, I still came.” The young man said while handing On the registration ticket. The original 30-year-old strong young man considered suffering from impotence disease, come to see a doctor. According to its complaint, the married couple’s life has been very harmonious for 5 years after marriage, and both of them are “entertained” with satisfaction every four to five times a week, "Professor Lu said. My wife has told me more than once that the part she likes most about my body is my ’lifeblood’ because every night,