我院自1987年8月至1997年1月住院足月分娩总数为7223人次,肩难产4例,均合并一侧臂丛神经损伤。1 临床资料 年龄为24~29岁。孕周40~42周,均为初产。平均宫高34cm,腹围96cm,骨盆外测量各径线均正常,自然发动产程。1例因宫缩乏力于第一产程静点催产素5U,每分钟10滴。另3例均于第二产程因宫缩乏力,合谷穴封0.1—0.3U催产素。4例皆因胎儿宫内窘迫行会阴侧切术及胎头吸引术(先露头S_(+2)—
Our hospital from August 1987 to January 1997 hospitalized a total of 7223 childbirths, 4 cases of shoulder dystocia, were combined with the side of the brachial plexus injury. 1 clinical data age of 24 to 29 years old. 40 to 42 weeks gestational age, are primiparous. Average Palace height 34cm, abdominal circumference 96cm, measuring the diameter of the line outside the pelvis are normal, spontaneous labor process. 1 case due to uterine inertia in the first stage of labor point of oxytocin 5U, 10 drops per minute. The other 3 cases were due to uterine inertia in the second stage of labor, Hedu seal 0.1-0.3U oxytocin. 4 cases were due to fetal distress episiotomy and fetal head suction surgery (outcrop S _ (+2) -