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  Many scientists believe that alien civilisations exist.
  So let’s imagine that we suddenly stand face-to-face with members of an alien species. What would we do first?
  Surely communicating that we come in peace would be a priority. But would we ever be able to understand each other?
  The one thing we can be confident about exchanging with aliens is scientific information.
  If the laws of the universe are the same everywhere, then different descriptions of these laws should, in principle, be equivalent.
  Matters are more complicated when it comes to language, which is the single most important factor in human cooperation.
  Can we expect to learn such an alien language?
  Existing viewpoints in the psychology of language give two very different answers.
  The generativists approach, which holds that the structure of language is hardwired into the brain, suggests this wouldn’t be possible.
  It argues that humans come with an inbuilt universal grammar that has a specific number of settings — each corresponding to the acceptable order in which words and parts of words can be arranged in a given language system.
  Though the rules of human languages can and do vary, proponents of the generativist model argue they can only do so within strict parameters.
  For generativists, it is extremely unlikely that an alien species would happen to have the same parameters as human beings.
  The cognitive view, on the other hand, sees semantics (structures of meaning) as being more important than syntax(structures of grammar). For this reason, proponents of the cognitive view argue that grammar alone is not enough to understand language. If an alien species uses objects, interacts with its peers and combines concepts, the cognitive approach therefore predicts there might be enough mental architecture in common to make its language accessible to humans.
  Though these results are far from conclusive (for instance, they can’t explain why humans alone seem to have language), the evidence leans towards the cognitive account.
  So, it might be reasonable to assume that humans could learn alien languages.
Bindi Lee Porth, 37, was at Cable Beach, a popular tourist destination in the Western Australian town of Broome.  Broome is known for a 130-million-yearold set of dinosaur footprints which were found
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果果姐:  你好!我是一个乐观、阳光的男孩,可就是因为这件事把我搞得不再乐观,不再愿意和别人交流,本来满脸笑容的我变成了整天板着脸的我。  事情是这样的。初二的我喜欢了一个女孩,她笑起来特别美,可是她就是不喜欢笑,我总是暗暗地接近她可又不敢太接近,总是通过QQ来观察她。终于我找到一个可以接近她的理由,慢慢的我们聊天次数多了,我就用QQ向她表白,可是因为我的胆小又把信息撤回了,生怕她看见以后不理我。
王楸语速极快,打机关枪似的,估计离话筒太近,都有了爆破音。她说得颠三倒四,前言不搭后语,还结巴,全然不是我所熟悉的王楸。所以,撂下手机,我仍一头雾水,没整大清爽。徐婷在逛“淘宝”,听说后先是冲我一愣,后哈哈大笑,笑拧了气,倒在床上求我给揉揉,顺顺气。  徐婷她不是我妻子,我妻子是董枚(是一枚别针的枚,不是玫红的玫,小时候户籍科的民警笔误,她就将错就错,用到现在。不知为何,这让我耿耿于怀)。徐婷大笑