关于甜菜有丝分裂频率节律,普遍认为分裂最高峰是在上午10点左右。然而甜菜有丝分裂频率昼夜节律性变化是极其复杂的,除本身固有节律外,是受诸种因素影响的。 国外,常以染色体较大的植物为材料。同时变换外界条件(主要是温度、光等),深入研究有丝分裂频率规律性。Richard等研究了在恒温和连续黑暗条件下的洋葱鳞茎和种子,将材料分成四组,每组材料开始浸水依次相隔3小时,则发现,各组有丝分裂频率都出现四次高峰,各组高峰时间也是大致推迟3小时,恰好与材料开始吸水相隔的时间相吻合。因此,他们认为,洋葱有丝分裂频率节律性变化依赖于材料开始吸水发芽时间,而不依赖于白天取材时间。
With regard to the beetle mitotic frequency rhythm, it is generally accepted that the peak of division is around 10 a.m. However, circadian rhythmic changes in the frequency of beet division are extremely complicated, except for their own inherent rhythms, which are affected by various factors. Abroad, often with larger chromosomes for the material. At the same time change the external conditions (mainly temperature, light, etc.), in-depth study of mitosis frequency regularity. Richard et al. Studied onion bulbs and seeds under constant temperature and continuous darkness. The materials were divided into four groups and each group was immersed in water for 3 hours in sequence. It was found that there were four peaks of mitosis frequency in each group, It is also roughly postponed for 3 hours, coinciding with the time that the material starts to absorb water. Therefore, they believe that rhythmic changes in the frequency of onion mitosis depend on the onset of water absorption and germination of the material, independent of the time of day of harvest.