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深入太平洋西北部海域中的堪察加半岛及附近岛屿共同组成了俄联邦远东联邦区的一个行政单位——堪察加州。该州位于亚欧大陆东北部,三面环海、地形狭长,火山活动造就众多的湖泊、温泉、地热等颇具特色的自然景观,使其成为远东地区旅游胜地。该州总面积17.08万平方公里,占俄联邦领土面积的1%。1956年成为一个独立的行政单位。该州人口总数35.88万人,人口密度为0.8人/平方公里。俄罗斯人占总人口的81%,乌克兰人占9.1%,科里亚克人占1.5%,其他民族占8.4%。堪察加州冬季寒冷而漫长,夏季凉爽而短暂。1月份平均气温是摄氏零下16.4℃,7月份平均气温是摄氏13.0℃,多雾是其气候的一大特征。 堪察加州的自然资源丰富多样。煤的总地质储量1800多亿吨,泥煤储量达80亿吨。还有石油、天然气、黄金、白银、硫磺、铜、汞、钛、钨、镍、钴、铬、铁、锰和建筑材料等资源。森林覆盖面积1500.8万公顷,木材总蓄积量11.94亿立方米。鱼类资源较丰富,盛产大西洋鳕鱼、鳟鱼、鲈鱼、六线鱼、蝶鱼、银鳕鱼等类,堪察加蟹更驰名域外。 The Kamchatka Peninsula, which goes deep into the northwestern Pacific Ocean and nearby islands, forms Kamchatka, an administrative unit in the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation. The state is located in the northeastern Eurasian continent, surrounded by the sea, long and narrow terrain, volcanic activity created many lakes, hot springs, geothermal and other distinctive natural landscape, making it a tourist destination in the Far East. The total area of ​​170,800 square kilometers, accounting for 1% of the territory of the Russian Federation. In 1956 to become an independent administrative unit. The population of the state is 358,800, with a population density of 0.8 people per square kilometer. Russians make up 81% of the population, Ukrainians 9.1%, Koreans 1.5%, and other ethnic groups 8.4%. Kamchatka winter cold and long, summer cool and short. The average January temperature is minus 16.4 degrees Celsius. The average July temperature is 13.0 degrees Celsius. Fog is a major feature of its climate. Kamchatka rich and varied natural resources. Total geological reserve of coal is over 180 billion tons and peat reserves reach 8 billion tons. There are also resources such as oil, natural gas, gold, silver, sulfur, copper, mercury, titanium, tungsten, nickel, cobalt, chromium, iron, manganese and building materials. Forest covers an area of ​​15.08 million hectares, the total volume of wood 1.194 billion cubic meters. Fish is rich in resources, rich in Atlantic cod, trout, bass, six-wire fish, butterfly fish, cod fish and other species, Kamchatka more famous outside the domain.
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