奥运会一结束,男队总教头蔡振华就被淹没在鲜花、掌声、会议和各种活动之中,一点儿不比备战奥运的时候清闲。于是本刊记者见缝插针,用电话在办公室“逮”着了刚刚开完队里技术总结会的蔡振华。如果不是因为接受这个电话采访,他正准备起草一份过几天将在人民大会堂召开的中国奥运体育代表团大会上宣读的报告。 记者:蔡指导,在您带队参赛前,有没有考虑到男队可能包揽男子单、双打全部金牌呢? 蔡振华:没有。不过人的愿望总是好的,我们谁不希望拿到两块金牌呢?我一直觉得打好了,打疯了,
As soon as the Olympics ended, Cai Zhenhua, the head coach of the men’s team, was submerged in flowers, applause, meetings and various activities, a little less leisurely than preparing for the Olympic Games. So correspondents seized the pin, using the phone in the office “arrest” with just finished the team technical summary meeting of Cai Zhenhua. If not for the telephone interview, he is preparing to draft a report to be presented at a general meeting of the Chinese Olympic delegation to be held in the Great Hall of the People in a few days. Reporter: Cai guidance, before you lead the team, have you taken into account the men’s team may take men’s singles, doubles all the gold medal? However, people’s wishes are always good, who do not want us to get two gold medals? I always felt that fight, crazy,