High spin states in 174Re have been re-investigated via the 152Sm(27Al,5n)174 Re reaction at a bombarding energy of 14-0 MeV. The 27Al beam was provided by the JAERI tandem accelerator and impinged on an enriched 152Sm metallic foil of 2 mg/cm2 thickness. From detailed analysis ofγ-ray excitation functions,
High spin states in 174Re have been re-investigated via the 152Sm (27Al, 5n) 174 Re reaction at a bombarding energy of 14-0 MeV. The 27Al beam was provided by the JAERI tandem accelerator and impinged on an enriched 152Sm metallic foil of 2 mg / cm2 thickness. From detailed analysis of γ-ray excitation functions,