政府对贸易的干预政策,可以分成限制贸易和促进贸易两大类。在限制贸易的政策中,除了关税就是非关税壁垒(Non—Tariff Barridrs,简 NTBs)。因此,非关税壁垒不是特指某一种贸易政策,而是除了关税以外,各种限制贸易的政策、措施的总称。 关税与贸易总协定通过最惠国待遇、关税减让等规则,把各缔约方的进口关税税率约束在现行关税税率的最低水平。关贸总协定的前七轮多边减税谈判,又使各缔约方的关税总体水平在最惠国税率基础上大幅度下降。目前,发达国家的加权平均关税税率。大约在4—5%左右,发展中国家的加权平均关税税率大约为13%。因此,关税作为政府干预贸易的政策工具,其作用已大大减弱了。
The government’s intervention policy on trade can be divided into two categories: restricting trade and promoting trade. In trade-restricting policies, tariffs are non-tariff barriders (Jan NTBs). Therefore, non-tariff barriers are not specific to a certain trade policy, but are the general term for various trade-restricting policies and measures other than tariffs. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade adopts the most-favored-nation treatment and tariff reduction rules to restrict the import tariff rates of all parties to the lowest level of current tariff rates. The first seven rounds of multilateral tax reduction negotiations in the GATT also led to a significant reduction in the overall tariff level of the parties on the basis of the MFN tax rate. At present, the weighted average tariff rates in developed countries. About 4-5%, the weighted average tariff rate for developing countries is about 13%. Therefore, as a government policy tool to intervene in trade, tariffs have greatly weakened their role.