依托科技进步 推进防沙治沙

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科学技术是第一生产力。大力推进防沙治沙工程建设,要靠投入、靠政策、靠机制,但最根本的还是要靠科学技术。当今世界,科学技术迅猛发展,以信息技术和生物技术为代表的高新技术及其产业的发展,正在改变人们的生活方式和生产方式。在林业科技方面,以3S技术(全球定位系统、地理信息系统和卫星遥感技术)为代表的高新技术在林业上的广泛应用和以转基因工程技术为核心的林业生物技术的异军突起,已经对森林资源管理、林木育种、森林培育、灾害控制、资源利用的方式、方法和成效产生了巨大影响。科技的发展必将对我国经济、社会的发展和生态建设产生无比强大的推动力。我国广大沙区 Science and technology are primary productive forces. Vigorously promote the construction of anti-desertification project, rely on investment, by policy, by the mechanism, but the most fundamental depends on science and technology. In today’s world, with the rapid development of science and technology, the development of high technology and its industries represented by information technology and biotechnology is changing people’s way of life and production. In the field of forestry science and technology, the widespread application of new and high technologies, represented by 3S technologies (such as GPS, GIS and satellite remote sensing technologies), and the sudden emergence of biotechnology in forestry that uses genetically engineered technologies as the core have made great contributions to forest resources Management, tree breeding, forest cultivation, disaster control, resource utilization methods, methods and results have a tremendous impact. The development of science and technology will surely bring immeasurable impetus to China’s economic and social development and ecological construction. China’s vast sand area