The role of sodium retention in licorice as an ingredient in chewing tobacco, confectionery and medicine is gradually becoming known. This apparent mineralocorticoid action results from glycyrrhetinic acid (an active ingredient in licorice) against 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenic acid (a product which is normally transfered to the ketone by the C 11 hydroxy group) Cortisol inactivated enzyme) inhibition. By preventing the inactivation of cortisol, licorice increases the glucocorticoid concentration in the mineralocorticoid responsive tissue. As a result, glucocorticoids occupy the mineralocorticoid receptor and produce a mineralocorticoid effect, manifested by an increase in sodium retention and hypertension. We will point out that glycyrrhetinic acid also inhibits 15-hydroxyproline dehydrogenase and Δ13 (13) -prostat reductase, both of which play an important role in prostaglandin E and F 2α metabolism effect. Therefore, the physiological role of licorice base than people usually think complex.