Weeding is an important part of lawn conservation. Labor pulling strong labor, low efficiency, higher costs. Tianjin Agricultural College Meng Qing Tian and other 2,4-D butyl ester in the Tianjin area of the lawn weeding chemical success. According to Journal of Tianjin Agricultural College, No. 3-4, 1994, it was reported that the use of 67% 2,4-D butyl ester produced by Shenyang Military Academy was diluted 800 times. On the lawn with the variety “Blue Grass” of the United States, ~ 10 spray stems and leaves (lawn height of 20cm, weed height of 20 ~ 30cm), can effectively kill the lawn dicotyledonous weeds. The top of the weed began to wilt 3 days after spraying. After 7 days, the whole plant of the weed began to withered and gradually died. All weeds were killed by the 15-day survey and the weeding effect was 100%. This herbicidal effect lasts until the rainy season in July and lasts for about 2 months. 800 times thinner