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  一 单词滑滑梯。(填上合适的字母组成单词)

  二 你知道他们是什么人吗?
  ()1. Mr Clean A.廉洁奉公的人
  ()2. Mr Right B. 张三李四
  ()3. Mr Big C. 贵宾,要人
  ()4. VIP D. 白马王子
  ()5. Tom, Dick and Harry E. 头目
  三 你知道tongue(舌头)的功能吗?
  ()1. A frog uses its tongue A. to recognize(识别) different tastes
  ()2. A snake uses its tongue B. to feel its way
  ()3. A dog uses its tongue C. to catch food
  ()4. A cat uses its tongue D. to cool itself
  ()5. A boy uses its tongue E. to clean itself
  四 你知道这些城市的别名吗?
  ( )1. London A. the city of music
  ( )2. Oxford B. the city of beer
  ( )3. Venice C. the city of water
  ( )4. Munich D. the city of universities
  ( )5. Vienna F. the city of fog
  五 双语数学题。
  1. There are twelve chocolates and eight toffees(太妃糖) in a box. I choose one sweet at random(随意). What is the probability(概率) that I choose a chocolate?
  2. Find the value(值) of 2A+10 when A is equal to 4.5.
  3. What is half of six and a quarter?
  4. Which integer(整数) is nearest to the square root(平方根) of 131?
  5. Five numbers have a mean(平均数) of six. What is their total?
  6. How many sweets, at twenty pence each, could you buy for one pound and sixty pence?
  7. A boy is N years old and his sister is 6 years older than he is. How many years old is she in terms of N?
常熟开关制造有限公司从一个负债累累、濒临破产的小厂一举成为中国电器开关行业的龙头;从一个毫无竞争力的弱者,成为了能与世界跨国公司竞争的对手和合作伙伴,这不能不说是一个奇迹。  企业的管理和改革对大多企业而言至今仍是一个艰难的话题,常熟开关制造有限公司摸索出了一套可贵的企业改革、发展和管理经验。“常开奇迹”的主要创造者唐春潮在谈及这一切时,透露出了他的思想精髓:以人为本,创新打造生产力。    行不
傍晚时分,我在厨房做饭,游游在客厅翻看我刚收到的一摞新绘本。  “妈妈!”她大声叫我。  “干嘛?”  “妈妈!你快来看啊!”她更大声了。  “什么事啊?我正忙着!”  脚步声,我听见她急匆匆地跑到厨房门口,用很大的声音说:“妈妈!你快看!这个老师!她简直太坑了!”  “太坑了!”是游游这拨一年级小豆包最近的流行语,用来表示对不公平行为的抗议,或者对某些不该发生的事的不满。  我从她的语气里听出了