
来源 :中国糖尿病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nvli2010
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美国糖尿病学会(ADA)制订的“糖尿病临床实用指南”(Clinical Practice Recommendations)的学术权威性已为各国糖尿病学界认可和应用。我刊于2003年经ADA同意将“ADA Clinical Practice Recommendations 2003”全书译为中文内部出版,深受读者欢迎。自2005年始,ADA每年主要发布修订后的糖尿病诊疗标准(Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes)和有选择的重要立场声明(Position Statements)。为因应广大读者需要,我刊自2007年起继续将每年有关修订的重要内容摘译供读者参考。ADA 2011年指南标准在诊断和治疗等方面有重要的修订,主要包括:对于妊娠糖尿病的诊断采用75 g口服糖耐量试验(OGTT)和新的诊断标准;在儿童和青少年糖尿病诊治中增加了单基因型糖尿病的内容;并强调了血压控制目标个体化的重要性等。为此,本刊编辑部特编译2011年ADA医学诊治标准概要(Executive summary:Standards of Medical in Diabetes-2010),以供读作者参考。(注:正文中*表示内容系新增;△表示内容有改变。) The academic authority of the Clinical Practice Recommendations developed by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) has been recognized and applied by Diabetes in the world. I was published in 2003, ADA agreed to “ADA Clinical Practice Recommendations 2003” the entire book translated into Chinese internal publication, well received by readers. Beginning in 2005, the ADA publishes annually revised Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes and selective Position Statements. In order to meet the needs of readers, our magazine has continuously extracted the important contents of the amendments from 2007 for readers’ reference. The ADA Guideline 2011 has important revisions in the areas of diagnosis and treatment, including: the introduction of a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and new diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes; and the addition of a single diagnosis to the diagnosis of diabetes in children and adolescents Genotype diabetes mellitus; and stressed the importance of individualized blood pressure control goals. To this end, the editorial department special compiled 2011 ADA medical diagnosis and treatment standards summary (Executive summary: Standards of Medical in Diabetes-2010), for the reader reference. (Note: the contents of the text indicates a new increase; △ that the content has changed.)
目的 探究脑卒中患者采用常规药物治疗联合个性化分级护理的临床效果.方法 68例脑卒中患者,根据入院先后顺序分为对照组和研究组,各34例.对照组实施常规药物治疗联合常规护理
超声检查是鉴别乳腺肿块良恶性的重要影像学方法 之一, 然而, 乳腺良恶性病灶超声图像多有重叠, 容易误诊.本文回顾性分析5例超声误诊为乳腺癌的肿块, 探讨其声像图表现并分
<正> 肾脏一直被认为是一个排泄和调节水盐酸碱平衡的器官。随着对钠—葡萄糖协同转运蛋白(SGLT)等特异性载体的葡萄糖转运功能的深入了解以及一类可影响肾脏SGLT作用的天然
一、介绍rn1994年国际疼痛学会(International Association for the Study Pain, IASP)定义神经病理性疼痛为“神经系统原发性损伤或功能障碍所引起或导致的疼痛”.2008年,IA