Internet尽力而为服务模式在支持群组命令传输过程中,容易产生资源竞争问题,从而导致部分命令传输丢失造成群组命令传输失败.提出基于Internet构建有效路径统计网络(Effective Path Statistics Network,EPSN),把基于Internet网络群组命令传输问题转换成基于EPSN网络群组多约束多目标优化问题(Group Multi-Constraints Multi-Objective Optimization Problem,GM CM OOP).提出基于独占区域粒子群优化算法(Particle Sw arm Optimization based on Sole Zone,PSOSZ).该算法,根据独占搜索空间划分思想搜索GMCMOOP问题的解.实验表明,在群组命令规模分别在最大量175和最小量75下,该模型在基于Internet环境部署的EPSN网络规模不断变化下,GCT成功率相对于经典路由算法DSA和Yen有较好性能,同时误差率相对基本粒子群有较好性能.
Internet best effort service mode can easily lead to resource competition during the transmission of group commands, resulting in the failure of transmission of some group commands, which results in the failure of transmission of group commands.Based on the Internet, an effective path statistics network (EPSN) , The Internet-based group command transmission problem was converted into GM-based CMOOP (Group Multi-Constraints Multi-Objective Optimization Problem) based on EPSN. Particle swarm optimization (Particle Sw the algorithm searches for the solution of GMCMOOP problem based on the idea of exclusive search space partitioning.Experiments show that when the size of the group command is between the maximum 175 and the minimum 75 respectively, With the changing size of deployed EPSN network, the GCT success rate is better than the classical routing algorithms DSA and Yen, and the error rate is better than that of the basic PSO.