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GERD患者表现为腹压上升或饱餐后加重而出现烧心或不舒服感觉,在与其他疾病的鉴别上如何进行才不致漏掉这一特征性症状是一个实际问题。Dent等设计的QUEST因选用了近似患者主观症状的项目,有可能提取出GERD的特征性症状。据日本的观察研究,QUEST也能充分展示临床上的敏感性、特异性和吻合率,可以认为它是日常诊疗中的有效手段之一。 GERD patients showed increased abdominal pressure or increased after a meal with heartburn or uncomfortable feeling in the identification of other diseases on how to not miss this characteristic symptoms is a real problem. The QUEST designed by Dent, for example, chose a project that approximates the subjective symptoms of the patient and is likely to extract the characteristic symptoms of GERD. According to Japanese observational studies, QUEST can also fully demonstrate the clinical sensitivity, specificity and anastomosis, it can be considered one of the effective means of routine treatment.
习近平总书记号召全党,我们这一代人要走好我们这一代人的长征路。作为驻守在塞上回乡这片热土上的部队,如何弘扬长征精神、走好新的长征路?我感到,就是要主动为“开放宁夏、富裕宁夏、和谐宁夏、美丽宁夏”做贡献,助力宁夏与全国各地同步进入全面小康社会。  弘扬长征精神,走好新的长征路,要发挥部队宣传队作用,助力开放宁夏建设  红军长征创造了中外历史的奇迹。正如鲁迅先生所说,英勇红军的伟大胜利是中华民族解放史