1999年的股市将在《证券法》的引导下,步入新轨道,在上半年的规范与发展中也会有不可避免的阵痛,下半年在《证券法》正式实施后,市场的投资理念和投资行为都会作出适当的调整,股市将以收敛的波幅去寻求新的平衡。 上半年:阵痛与希望 过去,国内股市长期存在大量不规范行为和违规资金,由于在监管方面的种种问题一直难以解决,股市市盈率偏高、缺乏长线投资价值等问题依然存在,券商挪用保证金属
In 1999, under the guidance of the Securities Law, the stock market will enter a new orbit with unavoidable pain in the norms and development of the first half of the year. After the Securities Law came into effect in the second half of the year, the market’s investment philosophy And investment behavior will make appropriate adjustments, the stock market will seek a new balance with the volatility of convergence. First half of the year: pain and hope In the past, there were a large number of non-standard behaviors and irregular funds in the domestic stock market for a long time. Due to various problems in regulation that have been difficult to solve, stock price-earnings ratio is still high, and the problem of lack of long-term investment value still exists.