设计中常见的梯间梁问题的一种解决方法。明确了薄壁构件在实际受力中同普通的矩形梁的区别。进行了薄壁构件受弯、剪、扭应力状态的分析 ,和构件在受竖向荷载下的控制因素的计算 ,并由此导出了构件的内力的计算方法和构件的配筋方法
A solution to the problem of stairway beams commonly found in design. Clarify the difference between the actual force and the ordinary rectangular beam in thin-walled components. The analysis of bending, shear and torsional stress of thin-walled members and the calculation of the control factors of the members under vertical load are carried out, and the calculation method of the internal forces of the members and the method of reinforcement are derived