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特约检察员制度是为贯彻《中共中央关于坚持和完善中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度的意见》而设立的。《意见》是这样说的:“聘请一批符合条件和有专门知识的民主党派成员、无党派人士担任特约监察员、检察员、审计员和教育督导员等。”全国第一家聘请特约检察员的是上海市人民检察院。最高人民检察院于90年12月19日正式聘请18名民主党派和无党派成员担任特约检察员,其中民革3名、民盟4名、民建3名、民进2名、农工2名、致公1名、九三1名、台盟1名、全国工商联1名。我是其中之一,时适一年,也做了些工作,也有些收获和感受,归纳起来可以说是,责任重大,意义深远,尽力而为,量力而行。 The special procurator system was established to implement the “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Adhering to and Improving the System of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation under the Leadership of the Communist Party of China.” The Opinion states: “Hire a group of qualified and knowledgeable members of the democratic parties and independents to serve as special overseers, prosecutors, auditors, education supervisors, etc.” The first hiring in the country Special prosecutor is the Shanghai Municipal People’s Procuratorate. On December 19, 1990, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate formally hired 18 democratic parties and nonpartisan members to serve as special procurators, including 3 members of the Knesset, 4 members of the Democratic League, 3 members of the Democratic National Construction Association, 2 members of the National People’s Congress, 2 agricultural workers, One for the public, one for 93 three, one for the Taiwan League and one for the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. I am one of them. When I work for one year, I also do some work, and I also have some gains and feelings. To sum up, I can say that it is a matter of great responsibility, far-reaching significance, best effort, and ability.
特约检察员在参与检察工作及检察机关组织活动过程中都遇到了一些问题。正确认识这些问题,对推动特约检察员的实践工作,完善特约检察员制度的理论建设具有很大意义。 Speci