发挥统战优势 成就晋商崛起

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“诚信为本,纵横欧亚九千里;以义制利,称雄商场五百年”。中华漫漫的历史画卷中,晋商留下了光辉灿烂的一页,晋商精神也成为山西人引以为傲的一笔宝贵财富。在晋商沉寂百年后,新一代山西商人在寻求复兴之路上尚未形成昔日辉煌的商业形态。促进新晋商崛起,重塑晋商辉煌,成为一项长期的战略性任务。我们通过对晋商崛起和晋商精神的解析,从中获得经验和灵感,探寻统战工作与当代晋商崛起的结合点,就进一步发挥统战优势,重塑晋商辉煌做了一些有益的探索。 “Honesty, vertical and horizontal nine thousand miles in Europe and Asia; justice system, dominate the mall five hundred years ”. In the long history of China, the Shanxi merchants have left a glorious page, and the Shanxi merchants spirit has also become a valuable asset that Shanxi people are proud of. A century after the Shanxi merchants were quiet, a new generation of Shanxi merchants has not yet formed the brilliant business model in its quest for revival. Promote the rise of new business, reshaping the glorious Shanxi Merchants, has become a long-term strategic task. Through the analysis of the rise of Shanxi merchants and the analysis of Shanxi merchants’ spirit, we gain experience and inspiration from them, explore the combination point of the United Front work and the rise of contemporary Shanxi merchants, and do some useful explorations on further developing the advantages of the united front and reshaping the Shanxi merchants.
这两年体育品行业日子不好过,深受高库存的困扰。这从kappa门店的关闭潮以及李宁渠道压缩可见一斑。  与体品行业的水深火热困境形成鲜明对比的是,本土中高级女装近年形势却是一片大好。这些品牌在四五年之前还是默默无闻,甚至还没有出世,但是近年却快速占领国内中高级百货的有利地形,门店形象位置俱佳,常年不打折,并且销售火爆。它们已经在众多百货占据足够话语权,足以对国际二、三线品牌构成很大的冲击。  中高级